a well-written paragraph chopped
up into random collections
of sentence fragments
that resist easy
The Fractured Ruminations of a Musician, Writer, Artist, Political Junkie, & Very Lucky Husband
Today, my husband got a random vasectomy, all because I said we needed protection. I meant condoms. Apparently he hadn't been listening when I told him about my fantasies of having a big family some day. FML.
Today, I got into theater because I'm a late afternoon/night person, but today--a Sunday--I'm stuck at work from 9am till after midnight, essentially from one morning into the next. FML.
I am voting for [Obama] in 2012 no matter what, because even though he has many flaws, he will be head and shoulders above whatever swamp thing crawls out of the primordial ooze of lies, homophobia, racial resentment, fearmongering, religious triumphalism, and class warfare that will be the GOP primaries.
(telemarketing | St. Louis, MO, USA)
(My job is to call people and pitch the brand of make-up my company sells. I call and an obviously really young girl answers the phone.)
Little Girl: “Hello?”
Me: “Hi, may I talk to the lady of this residence?”
Little Girl: “That’s me.”
Me: “I mean, may I talk to your mom?”
Little Girl: “I have two dads.”
Me: “Oh well, never mind then. Have a nice day!”
Little Girl: “Wait! Why did you call?”
Me: “I’m selling make-up.”
Little Girl: “Oh! One of my daddies loves that stuff, it makes him look pretty when he goes dancing! Let me give him the phone! Dad! Dad! Some girl wants to make you look pretty!”